Windows Command Line example

Windows command line application for

switching on and off the KMTronic USB relays

(Author: Jan)



You have to download the drivers from FTDI website


FTDI Virtual COM Port Drivers installation


Windows command line application


Quick help:

usbrelay.exe -c:<COM port> -r:<RELAY>#<STATE> -b:<BROADCAST> -q
-c: Com port
-r: Relay(s), State(s)
-b: Broadcast/output on successful sent
-q Silence mode


usbrelay.exe -c:5 -r:1#1 (this will turn on relay)
usbrelay.exe -c:5 -r:1#0 (this will turn off relay)


ZIP file including:

- USBRelay.exe


Step by step instructions:

Click on Start Menu > Run > Open
D:\usbrelay\usbrelay.exe -c:5 -r:1#1
D:\usbrelay\usbrelay.exe -c:5 -r:1#0



This is only example command !!!

You must change path to the folder where you download Usbrelay.exe
Example: C:\Downloads\usbrelay\usbrelay.exe -c:5 -r:1#1





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