Connect DMX adapter to PC.
If Windows ask for drivers download and install from here:
If drivers are installed correctly you must see "USB Serial Converter" in Device Manager
Download and install Vixen Lightning from
Run Vixen Lightning and in Add-Ins > click on DMX
Now you are ready to create a new sequence and add DMX controller.Click on
Sequence tab -> New event Sequence -> Vixen standart sequence
The wizzard is shown to help you. Click Next to continue.
Now we have to create a new profile for our DMX device.
Click on Profile Manager.
Enter the name of the profile
Now click on Output Plugin tab
and select Enttec Open DMX > Use and type the number of DMX channels. Click Done.
Now we have using this plugin and have to add our DMX device. In my
case I use a 13 channels Moving Head. Type number of channels that you want to
control and click Done.
Select the created profile and click next
Now if you want you can add a music to your lightning project.
Click on the Assing Audio and choose mp3 file or any other audio file from your Hard Drive.
Click OK.
The final step is to create the sequence.
Click on the Create it tab chose the name of the sequence and you are ready.
You can find this in our eBay shop.