Controlling USB Relay via Macro Express




Macro Express contains hundreds of commands to automate practically any function on your computer.

Just press a key and let the macro do all the repetitive work for you.



Download from:



Download KMTronic "USB_Relay.exe" from:



Unzip in example in "D:\KMTronic_USB_Relay" folder



Connect USB Relay to PC and after driver installation check

what USB COM port using in Device Manager

(in this example COM5)



Run Macro Express and set:


This command will activate first channel USB relay connected to COM5


USB_Relay commands:
USB_Relay.exe -c:<COM port> -r:<RELAY>#<STATE>
-c: Com port
-r: Relay(s), State(s)

USB_Relay.exe -c:5 -r:1#1 (this will turn on relay channel 1)
USB_Relay.exe -c:5 -r:1#0 (this will turn off relay channel 1)








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