Friday, 30 March 2012 14:21

DINo NETSTARTER Pinout definition

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Pinout definition



//============DINo NETSTARTER Pinout definition============//
const int Relay1 = 8;
const int Relay2 = 7;
const int Relay3 = 6;
const int Relay4 = 5;
//==============Digital Inputs================//
const int In1 = A5;
const int In2 = A4;
const int In3 = A3;
const int In4 = A2;
//=============RS485 TX/RX control=====//
const int RS485_control = 3;
//Set this pin to high when you want to send data from RS485//
void setup() {
  // initialize the serial communication:
  // initialize the Relay pin as an output:
  pinMode(Relay1, OUTPUT);  
  pinMode(Relay2, OUTPUT);    
  pinMode(Relay3, OUTPUT);    
  pinMode(Relay4, OUTPUT);     
  // initialize the input pins as an input:
  pinMode(In1, INPUT);    
  pinMode(In2, INPUT);
  pinMode(In3, INPUT);
  pinMode(In4, INPUT);

void loop(){
 if (digitalRead(In1)) digitalWrite(Relay1, HIGH);
 //Read the status of the input and turn on the Relay1 if its "1"
 else digitalWrite(Relay1, LOW); // Turn it off when it's "0"
 if (digitalRead(In2)) digitalWrite(Relay2, HIGH);
 //Read the status of the input and turn on the Relay2 if its "1"
 else digitalWrite(Relay2, LOW); // Turn it off when it's "0"
 if (digitalRead(In3)) digitalWrite(Relay3, HIGH);
 //Read the status of the input and turn on the Relay3 if its "1"
 else digitalWrite(Relay3, LOW); // Turn it off when it's "0"
 if (digitalRead(In4)) digitalWrite(Relay4, HIGH);
 //Read the status of the input and turn on the Relay4 if its "1"
 else digitalWrite(Relay4, LOW); // Turn it off when it's "0"

 Serial.println("DINo NETSTARTER TEST");

Wednesday, 28 March 2012 09:54

Receiving UDP data from Arduino

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Receiving UDP data from Arduino



When any packet is received it is keep in burref.


So after function who read pakets we need to check is packet received is UDP.


Some information:

IP_PROTO_P = HEX 0x17 (DEC 23)

IP_PROTO_UDP_V =  HEX 0x11 (DEC 17)


We must check if in buffer possition 23 we have 17




    // read packet, handle ping and wait for a tcp packet:
    dat_p=es.ES_packetloop_icmp_tcp(buf,es.ES_enc28j60PacketReceive(BUFFER_SIZE, buf));
    if (buf[IP_PROTO_P]==IP_PROTO_UDP_V){   // ==     if (buf[23]==17)

     // We have UDP paket received





Exsample UDP packet, buffer positions and values:



Buffer HEX DEC
0 cf 207
1 70 112
2 7c 124
3 e4 228
4 8a 138
5 b8 184
6 0 0
7 26 38
8 18 24
9 f9 249
10 71 113
11 a2 162
12 8 8
13 0 0
14 45 69
15 0 0
16 0 0
17 21 33
18 a6 166
19 eb 235
20 0 0
21 0 0
22 80 128
23 11 17
24 fe 254
25 12 18
26 c0 192
27 a8 168
28 0a 10
29 64 100
30 c0 192
31 a8 168
32 0a 10
33 19 25
34 30 48
35 39 57
36 30 48
37 39 57
38 0 0
39 0d 13
40 70 112
41 2d 45
42 31 49
43 32 50
44 33 51
45 34 52
46 35 53









Wednesday, 28 March 2012 09:19

Base 64 Encoder

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Base 64 Encoder















Wednesday, 28 March 2012 07:04

Wireshark network protocol loger analyzer

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Wireshark network protocol loger analyzer














Tuesday, 27 March 2012 16:02

Understanding the UDP Protocol

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Logged with Wireshark network protocol loger analyzer



Example UDP packet send from PC to DINo 4 relay board

0000  cf 70 7c e4 8a b8 00 26  18 f9 71 a2 08 00 45 00   .p|....& ..q...E.
0010  00 21 a6 eb 00 00 80 11  fe 12 c0 a8 0a 64 c0 a8   .!...... .....d..
0020  0a 19 30 39 30 39 00 0d  70 2d 31 32 33 34 35      ..0909.. p-12345




DINo MAC address (destination)

HEX: cf 70 7c e4 8a b8

PC MAC address (source)

HEX: 00 26 18 f9 71 a2


DINo IP address (destination)

HEX: c0 a8 0a 19 (DEC:

PC IP address (source)

HEX: c0 a8 0a 64 (DEC:


DINo port (destination)

HEX: 30 39 (DEC:12345)

PC port (source)

HEX: 30 39 (DEC:12345)


Protocol identificator (UDP)

HEX: 11 (DEC:17)



HEX: 00 0d (DEC:13)



HEX: 31 32 33 34 35 (DEC:49 50 51 52 53, ASCII: 1 2 3 4 5)




Serial Watcher


Serial Watcher is a small piece of program from PCRemote Control that can watch the data

flow through any of your serial ports live and save the flowing data.

It’s main use is during the testing of serial data receiver devices.








Change USB Virtual COM port number





Tuesday, 27 March 2012 10:52

Read ENC28J60 Revision from Arduino

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Quick way to check is

ENC28J60 Ethernet shield is present



For Ethernet shields with ENC28J60 we using this sketch for test:



#include "EtherShield.h"

static uint8_t mymac[6] = {0x54,0x55,0x58,0x10,0x00,0x25}; 

EtherShield es=EtherShield();

void setup(){


void loop(){



Upload to Arduino and open Serial Monitor.


If it return zero, that would be an indication of a missing or failed shield (chip).

Our ENC28J60 chip when is connected return “6".









DINo Internet/Ethernet Relay I/O board


Web Server control example


Android MID tablet PC



Download and unzip in your Arduino libraries folder "ENC28J60 EtherShield Library"s



Download and unzip KMtronic DINo Web Server example:


Connect board to USB, modify if necessary MAC and IP address and upload to board

Connect to your Router or PC Network Card and check for PING




Demo username and password:

username: admin

password: admin
















DINo Internet/Ethernet Relay I/O board


Web Server control example



Download and unzip in your Arduino libraries folder "ENC28J60 EtherShield Library"s



Download and unzip KMtronic DINo Web Server example:


Connect board to USB, modify if necessary MAC and IP address and upload to board

Connect to your Router or PC Network Card and check for PING




Demo username and password:

username: admin

password: admin









DINo Internet/Ethernet Relay I/O board


UDP control example


Download and unzip in your Arduino libraries folder "ENC28J60 EtherShield UDP Library"s



Download and unzip "KMtronic_UDP_Example.ino"


Connect board to USB, modify if necessary MAC and IP address and upload to board

Connect to your Router or PC Network Card and check for PING



UDP Commands:


FF 00 00 - Status Read command

FF 01 00 - Relay 1 OFF command
FF 01 01 - Relay 1 ON command
FF 02 00 - Relay 2 OFF command
FF 02 01 - Relay 2 ON command
FF 03 00 - Relay 3 OFF command
FF 03 01 - Relay 3 ON command
FF 04 00 - Relay 4 OFF command
FF 04 01 - Relay 4 ON command


UDP Test Software example including source code (C#)

KMTronic DINo 4 Relay UDP Test
KMTronic DINo 4 Relay UDP Test Software Source

Download, unzip and run software


Click on Open button and send FF0000 (Status request command)

If everything is okay you will receive IP DINo board and Status



UDP example code



  #include "EtherShield.h"

            uint8_t mymac[6] = {0xCF,0x70,0x7C,0xE4,0x8A,0xB8};
            uint8_t myip[4] = {192,168,1,25};
            uint16_t MYWWWPORT = 80;

            #define BUFFER_SIZE 750
            static uint8_t buf[BUFFER_SIZE+1];

            char reply[]="00000000";

            EtherShield es=EtherShield();

            uint16_t plen, dat_p;

            void setup(){

            es.ES_init_ip_arp_udp_tcp(mymac,myip, MYWWWPORT);

            } // end setup

            void loop(){

            // read packet, handle ping and wait for a tcp packet:
            dat_p=es.ES_packetloop_icmp_tcp(buf,es.ES_enc28j60PacketReceive(BUFFER_SIZE, buf));

            if (buf[IP_PROTO_P]==IP_PROTO_UDP_V){

            } // end loop

            void Setup_Pins(){

            pinMode(5, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(5, 0);
            pinMode(6, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(6, 0);
            pinMode(7, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(7, 0);
            pinMode(8, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(8, 0);

            } // end Setup_Pins

            void Relay_Control(){

              char* recv = (char*)buf + 42;

            if (strncmp(recv, "FF0100", 6) == 0) digitalWrite(8, 0);
            else if (strncmp(recv, "FF0101", 6) == 0) digitalWrite(8, 1);
            else if (strncmp(recv, "FF0200", 6) == 0) digitalWrite(7, 0);
            else if (strncmp(recv, "FF0201", 6) == 0) digitalWrite(7, 1);
            else if (strncmp(recv, "FF0300", 6) == 0) digitalWrite(6, 0);
            else if (strncmp(recv, "FF0301", 6) == 0) digitalWrite(6, 1);
            else if (strncmp(recv, "FF0400", 6) == 0) digitalWrite(5, 0);
            else if (strncmp(recv, "FF0401", 6) == 0) digitalWrite(5, 1);
            } // end Relay_Control

            void Status_Reply(){

              // Inputs
            reply[0] = digitalRead(A2) ? 0x31 : 0x30;
            reply[1] = digitalRead(A3) ? 0x31 : 0x30;
            reply[2] = digitalRead(A4) ? 0x31 : 0x30;
            reply[3] = digitalRead(A5) ? 0x31 : 0x30;

            // Outputs
            reply[4] = digitalRead(5) ? 0x31 : 0x30;
            reply[5] = digitalRead(6) ? 0x31 : 0x30;
            reply[6] = digitalRead(7) ? 0x31 : 0x30;
            reply[7] = digitalRead(8) ? 0x31 : 0x30;

            } // end Status_Reply





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